Friday, July 29, 2011

Our Almost Vintage RV 's First Trip North - Day Three

Back on the road again, heading north on I-65. Jerry says it won't belong before we get to Nashville.There is no plans for sight seeing today though, as we are hoping to get to the northern part of Indiana before night fall. We usually don't like to travel for more than 305 - 350 miles per day. 

We stopped at a wayside to have a little lunch.
Fancy watches Jerry hoping he drops something.
She doesn't know he is only making something to drink.

                                             Mandy and Daisy waiting for their turn.

 The pups are so ready for their walk. They like to run and play but are scared of the noise from the 18 wheelers. They have gotten better at least they will come out of the coach.

                                          Jerry puts the last pup in and we are off again.

We are going through Louisville Kentucky the traffic is not so bad.  I sure would like to sight see here but maybe next trip. So on to Indianapolis we go. Indiana seems to go on forever. It is a very flat state and a little boring too. But at least the coach is getting better gas mileage. Luckly cause the price of gas is higher.

Oh,  it feels so great when we find a station that is selling regular unleaded for $3.82 per gallon. But  having to put the credit card in at least twice to fill the tank really hurts.  We always fill at a quarter of a tank now.  Gone are the days when $100 would fill the tank with enough left over for a snack or two.

Just went through Indianapolis. Sometime I wish we could by pass the big cities there is so much traffic. And today is one of thoses day. The back up camera doesn't work, so we  use the shadows from the Escape and tow dolly when changing lane. It is really scary when there is no shadows. And then there is the traffic merging from the on ramp. When some car trys to merge behind the coach and then realizes there is another 30 ft or more of vehicle.
But, All the traffic and changing lanes stuff doesn't phase Jerry at all. Well at least that is what he says.

Pulling into Caboose Lake Campground in Remington Indiana.  Really nice campground wish we weren't just spending the night. Our site is a pull through across from the 20 acre Pond.

The pups are excited as there are ducks on the pond. They have never seen a duck before. They didn't bark but I thought they might jump in the water if they weren't on a leash. Fancy and Daisy kind of danced on the rocks taking great care not to get their feet wet. While Mandy lays on the grass at my feet, waiting for them to come back to play catch me if you can.

After dinner, Jerry chats with a couple from the area who camps here alot. While I take the pups for their last walk before turning in for the night. One more day and we will be in Wisconsin.

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