Thursday, September 8, 2011

End to Summer

We are still at our summer camp site in a smaller campground called Rainbows End.  Which is just out side of Reedsville Wisconsin.     Sadly, Our summer stay here is almost over. Now that the weather is cooling, it is sure feels more like fall everyday. We always head back to our winter home late September.
But it sure seems like the summer just flew by this year. We spent time with family, friends, our children and grandchildren. 
Jerry helpped out at the campground building picnic tables and he also mowed down the big field.

And as we down sized this season, Nancy and her two daughters Lynn and Laurie had a rummage sale to get rid of all the extra items.

Fred and Rita, our good friends and card buddies have left Rainbows End for good this year. They sold their rig and bought a condo a few miles away. We plan on staying in touch, but we will miss our weekly card parties. 

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