Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall Landscaping

The first week we were home, Jerry cleaned the weeds from the over run flower beds. All the flowers died out over the summer. With no one to water them for 5 months it is hard to expect them to surive. But the shrubs look great, they took the heat and lack of rain quite well.  Of course we don't have a lot of shrubs around our place. Out in the front there are a couple of palm bushes which have actual grown. one knockout rose by the side of the front steps, one very large arborvitae on the south side, a holly and a chinese fringe bush on the north side, two azalea at the edge of the yard which  blooms in early spring.
We will be adding shrubs.
Now the work begins:

Jerry tide up the palm branches so he could  remove the stones from the flower bed. Then he replace the black plastic that was under the stones and reset the boarder stones.

He washed the stones and returned them to the bed.
The lower branches of the palms still need to be trimmed back, as does the knock out rose..

We need to add more stone.  Maybe a statue or fountain in the front flower bed. That would fill in the space nicely. We are trying to keep it simple.

The arborvitae on the south side of the house has done well over summer. It actual has grown to large for the spot. It is half up the window. We will be moving it later this season.                                  

                               So as you see we added a couple smaller arborvitae along that side. one to either side of the large one..                                                                      As soon as they are established we will transplant the large one, moving it out into the yard.

We need more shrubs, but this work will have to wait. As does the north side of the house and the space by the wheel chair ramp. This gives us something to so over winter.
The advantage of no snow.

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